JournalistID aims to be the world's first completely free, non commercial international directory and publishing system for journalists.
Member's profile hyperlink code enables a simple contact system for their articles and does not compromise their email address to the general public or spam crawler programs hunting for online email addresses.
Secure individual contact forms protect your private address and enable instant contact from employers directly to your private email address without having to log in repeatedly.
Members have currently received 385229 contacts.
A week or so after registering you will find your journalist profile easily found on all major search engines.
Your name or articles will be easily found by prospective international employers, clients or contacts.
Network amongst leading regional journalists around the world and collaborate on articles.
The JournalistID system is a leading force in online identification, verification and monitoring services for international journalism. JournalistID also offers strategic services to the news and information sectors.
The founder Matthew Walker is famous as the inventor of PassWindow online IT security authentication method which was featured in the Wall Street Journals Asian Innovation Award
"A new way to outwit internet fraudsters".
Publish your articles online now
All JournalistID members have unique access to publish their articles directly online through a unique international news network and earn income from google adsense in the process.
Publish your articles to any of 6 major regional news websites
earn 100% of advertising incomefrom your articles through google adsense |
Your articles are easily configurable |

Members simply log in at the bottom of the regional news site they wish to post in using their current JournalistID useremail and password and write their article directly into the form. |
Designed for simplicity |
Write, edit, preview, draft, publish, delete or even collaborate in realtime with other international JournalistID members around the world. |
Collaborate with international journalists in realtime! |
Draw on regional journalists knowledge base by working togeather on articles, crosschecking regional information with the best international journalists. |
To enable an article for collaboration simply set the article to "collaboration" and it will instantly be listed and available for editing by any other JournalistID member in their "Collaborative Article" list which drops down as shown on the right.
Once you are satified the article is ready to go simply set it to publish and it will no longer be listed to other members. |
Collaborative articles are not published until set by the original author. |
JournalistID members can not edit the category, title, header or photos of other member articles which are marked as "collaborative". The body of the article is easily edited with any changes being made in realtime and a notification email being sent to the original author. |
If you would like to join a unique, exciting, modern approach to international journalism please sign up now and start building your international profile and portfolio today. |
"*Notice: Earn money from your articles directly to your personal google adsense account. Simply enter your "google_ad_client" code into your JournalistID profile and any articles you publish through the system will display only your google banner next to your article giving you 100% of the advertising income from your article.
If you do not have a google adsense account you can sign up here. |
If you are not convinced that an online profile as a journalist is a useful tool then you may wish to read this article by a kidnapped journalist in Iraq, where his online journalist profile saved his life!
"They Googled him, they checked him out on a popular search engine and got onto his own website or his publisher's website and saw he was a writer and journalist," Mr Carey told AAP
Iraqi militants 'Googled' kidnapped reporter before release