Based in Brussels, Bart works on European Union affairs, European travel, the European Parliament, and European politics in general. He is a freelance reporter for several US and Belgian newspapers and radiostations.
Humanitarian,Tribal,Political, Investigative and Gender Issues
I have done my MA in Journalism and Mass communication,I started from Campus Radio FM 107; then join INTERNEWS as producer, Assistant director with Zeepar Studio and currently working in swat wtih PACT RADIO as station Manager. I belive on freedom of expression but don't want to grab other freedom.
Photographing everything from A to Z including:actors, bull riding, campaigns,Dr.Ruth,elegant homes,foxtrots, goats,Hillary,Indy cars,jam sessions,Kentucky Derby, Lieberman,Morgans,Pelosi,Obama,Pakistani President,Quayle,Rock Stars,Senators,Theater,UN Secretary General,Voinovitch,Winehouse,XGames...
I have been working as a journalist in the Philippines for more than 10 years now, covering the economy and business for Manila Standard TODAY. I also maintain,,, and
music, alternative politics, digital culture, cultural analysis, film
Have been editor of print magazines since 1994. Started Australia's 1st print mag about the Internet. Edited e)mag in major metro papers and Unique Traveller. Now working on collaborative culture mag online (not yet launched). Available for freelance editing.
Social, Politics, Crime, Sports, Entertainment, Life Style
Started career as a print journalist, I have spent over eight years in journalism and currently working for electronic media. Specilized in sports, politics, crimes and social stories, I have covered major elections, international cricket matches and various human intrest stories.
I am Islamabad based journalist worked with Daily Times. I have more than seven years experiance in journalism field. At the moment i am working for commerce related news. I want to meet with journalists of diverse nature and country.
I'm a Belgium-based freelance journalist, writing in Dutch and in English, mainly about construction, environment, energy, durability, transport, tourism and marathons (athletics).
I also wrote some books about bicycling and its history. I'm speaking Dutch, English, French and some German.
I've been working as a journalist since 2004 -- a new era for press freedom in Afghanistan. I've worked for a number of newspapers and online news agencies. I am running the Current Affairs Department at Moby Media Group, the largest media firm in Afghanistan.
political and current affairs, social and development issues
I Have been working as a reporter in Nepal's leading Nepali language daily newspaper NEPAL SAMACHARPATRA for 4 years.I am graduated in mass communication from Tribhuwan University,Nepal.I live in Kathmandu right now.
I am a 23 years old Freelance Journalist based at Agartala, the capital city of the northeastern state of Tripura. For the past 4 years, I have been extensively covering various stories of the Northeastern region, especially those related to cross border terrorism, Indo-Bangladesh border conflicts.
Starting in 1986 with DTP and Digital Publishing, 1990 TRT Istanbul, Channel6, TGRT, IHA, VNA,3rd Lieutenant TLF, CNN Turk, Istanbul TV, SkyTurk, TRT, Star Media Group, KralTV GM, OIC Media Manager Jeddah, Calık Holding Corporate Communication Dir., ATV Europe GM, GMT Istanbul
working journalist from (D.G.Khan)pakistan.I have worked extensively in print, related aspects of the media both here. I'm an experienced newspaper editor, reporter and interviewer,photographer.I have worked for a number of English,Urdu publicationscand and knows four regional languages.
I am a reporter working on stories about the impact of environmental, sustainability and climate change issues on investment, insurance, lending and trading decisions. Specialist areas include: EU Emissions Trading Scheme, renewable power, cleantech venture capital, government policy.
I have been a freelance cricket writer for almost 8 years and have contributed articles to all major newspapers in Sri Lanka as well as websites. I am Sri Lanka's only female cricket writer
UK-based automotive journalist with six years experience producing roadtests, features and news stories relating the global automotive industry for national and international newspapers and magazines.