I am Belong to Daily Sacha Pakistani newspaper from last 1 year.and i have exp. in political reporting in karachi. i also cover 18 october bom blast ob Benazir Bhutto at karachi.i have exp in protest covrage.
Designer by education, former art director in advertising industry, illustrator and cartoonist, specialized in print production, editor in chief of Print Magazine - a publication related to romanian graphic arts industry. Married, father of 2. Participant & surviver of Romanian Revolution (1989).
I am a graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where I earned a Bachelors of Journalism, with minors in English and communication. I am interested in networking in order to fulfill my deepest with in becoming a broadcast journalist.
Have been working as a journalist since 2004. Covering all facets of life in Afghanistan. Based in the north of the country, have been working for the NATO owned newspaper called "Voice of Freedom".
I have worked for several newspapers, magazines and now working with an Afghan news agency. I also write stories and poems. Pashto is my mother tongue and I am fluent in Urdu and English.
i´m a freelance photographer from Ecuador. I do press photo, documentary, stories, essays, portraits, publicitary and fashion photography.
I have worked as a freelance photographer and staff photographer for several ecuadorian newspapers and magazines since 2002.
Pooyan Tabatabaei is a Toronto based Award-Wining Photojournalist/Visual Journalist, which has produced images of conflict and humanitarian crisis that have made headlines around the world.
I m Liaquat Khan Rahat. I m working journalist having 9 years vast expereince in print media and recently join the KHYBER TV from Distrect Mansehra.I my focus is on social problems and efforts for solution.I want to work for projection and protection of Humanity.I represent Khyber TV Mansehra.
Digital Media Consultant and Journalist. Currently working as Digital Media Producer at Media Print Macedonia. Digital Media lecturer at School of Journalism and Public Relations Macedonia.
Working as a journalist since 1998 with various national and local Dailies and website, news papers, working exp with TV channel and, now days Working as a Managing Editor of Monthly Doctor TV Magazine and Metro News Line, Karachi Pakistan.
japan, culture, arts, politics, literature, society, travel, apple macin
UK freelancer living and working in Japan. From 2003 to 2009 editor of Kansai Scene magazine. Journalism has appeared on CBC TV News (Canada), in Time Out Kyoto City Guide, The London News Review, Kansai Scene, Tokyo Scene, The Gloucester Citizen, Kansai Time Out and others.
Object Photography and Anthropological Photography (Culture and People)
I work in Turkey as an archaeological photographer, and am currently living here with my husband.I've had pictures printed in the Turkish and the Canadian Presses through my part time work with the excavation. Looking for journalists needing pictures in or around Ankara to accompany their articles.
I started working as a journalist in an online news agency. After 2 years I became dhaka editor of the newsvision on bangladesh affairs, published in worldwide. By request from time to time I prepare analytical articles on situation in South Asia regions.
Press Release, Online articles, news, Public relations, Video edititing
I'm currently working with the international UNRWA in Field office- Jerusalem as an employee in relief department, and I working as partimer with local office as a manager of its press release website, with IMEMC, Alzaitona and Mawal Radio.
for more details my website adress: