Jim Maher is a Sydney-based freelance journalist specialising in feature writing. Areas of expertise include politics and business, travel and food, sport.
Politics, International Affairs, Arts & Entertainment
I am an international journalist located for the time being in Minneapolis. I received a B.A. in Journalism and German from the University of Minnesota. I am the current Editor in Chief of InterActiveCommunication (IAC).
I am the editor of two magazines which belong to the biggest Lithuanian newspaper. I have been working as journalist for five years now. I am satisfied with my job, still my dream is to live and work in Portugal.
I'm a freelance journalist currently based in Cape Town. I'm originally from The Netherlands where I graduated as a magazine reporter. I'm also able to shoot, edit and publish news videos.
The commercial and economics of Public Houses and Clubs
My name is Nathan Key, I have been following my love for journalism for around 4 years and specialize in the "Pub and Club" scene around europe and UK. I currently have a magazine in process of been produced which reviews these places.
Currently, I am researching on global issues. This could be any thing, I have a lot of interest in print media and have done couple of work for the print media in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. And, I am fortunate enough, to work on environmental issues. It could be any thing, related to environment.
Designer by education, former art director in advertising industry, illustrator and cartoonist, specialized in print production, editor in chief of Print Magazine - a publication related to romanian graphic arts industry. Married, father of 2. Participant & surviver of Romanian Revolution (1989).
14 Years Exposure in Print, Web and Television Journalism with a number of stories. Presently producing a program for my channel IBN7 (a Network 18 Group)
Have been working as a journalist since 2004. Covering all facets of life in Afghanistan. Based in the north of the country, have been working for the NATO owned newspaper called "Voice of Freedom".
I have worked for several newspapers, magazines and now working with an Afghan news agency. I also write stories and poems. Pashto is my mother tongue and I am fluent in Urdu and English.
I am assistant editor of 7 magazines concerned with airports, aircraft and the postal sector. I have many contacts within these industries, as well as in the film, theatre and book publishing industries. I write features, news, headlines, captions and standfirsts, and subedit and proofread.