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Giulio Petrocco JournalistID member


 Giulio Petrocco Sana'a, Yemen
News, Features
Giulio Petrocco is a 25 years old Italian photojournalist. Started his career in photojournalism in 2008 shooting the Kosovo’s declaration of independence and worked as a photographer ever since, shooting in different areas like Georgia, Italy, Turkey and more recently Sudan and Yemen
Registered Since: 21/08/08 for 16 years and 109 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 721
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Reference provided by: Paulo Nunes dos Santos
Languages: english spanish other
Age: 25
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: Anywhere
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Previous Employment: Freelance
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Phone No: +1 (718) 710 45 68
Cell Mobile Phone No: +967 73 59 20 140
Fax No:
Member has Skype Telephony

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