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Hali Yahya Mohamed JournalistID member


 Hali Yahya Mohamed Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Poletical, Invironment. Tourest
I am freelance journalist I have been working six years for many media orgnizations, I focused on the horn Africa issues, I speak the local languages of the area like Amhasic an Tigrigna.
Registered Since: 17/10/09 for 15 years and 169 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 974
Web Address:
Local Government ID code:
Languages: english other
Age: 32
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: Addis Ababa
Current Company Name:
Company Website: http:
Mailing Address:
Qualifications: Bachlor in Law
Personal Interests:
Previous Employment: free lnce journalist
Personal History:
Phone No:
Cell Mobile Phone No: +251911663539
Fax No:

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