Mirza Muhammad Asim |
Mexico, Pakistan |
International News |
He is a Journalist & Genereal Secretery of YOUNG JOURNALIST FORUM in 2007.He have 9 years experience from news desk editing and Website editing for both newspapers and websites.He cover international Conferences & events. |
Registered Since: 13/08/08 for 16 years and 235 days |
Journalist ID Member Number: 716 |
Web Address: http://journalistid.com/?id=716&name=mirza_muhammad_asim |
Local Government ID code: |
Languages: english spanish other |
Age: 27 |
Sex: male |
Focus Location Markets: America, Europe |
Current Company Name: Jazba, Mad-e-muqabil |
Mailing Address: www.mad-e-muqabil.com |
Qualifications: Beachlor of Arts, Computer Diplomas |
Personal Interests: International conferences coverage |
Previous Employment: Pakistan, T-watan, Akhbaronline, Jazba international |
Personal History: |
Zipcode: 068040 |
Phone No: +5215516277550 |
Cell Mobile Phone No: +923338487987 |
Fax No: |
Member has MSN messenger |
Member has Yahoo messenger |
Contact Mirza Muhammad Asim by email |