Sayed Zaki Faqerzai |
Balkh, Afghanistan |
History of Afghanistan,Politics about the system of Government of Afg |
I am a member of The National Journalists Union of Afghanistan. I wrote a few books on the History and Politics of Afghanistan. My subjects are against Terrorism, Corruption and Crime. |
Registered Since: 07/07/08 for 16 years and 271 days |
Journalist ID Member Number: 698 |
Web Address: |
Local Government ID code: Nill |
Languages: other |
Age: 65 |
Sex: male |
Focus Location Markets: |
Current Company Name: Nill |
Mailing Address: |
Qualifications: Have Higher education from Kabul University of Afghanistan |
Personal Interests: study about Afghanistan History |
Previous Employment: Teacher in High School and Chief editor of newspaper in Afghanistan |
Personal History: I live with my family in Jungle of Balkh village of yolmarab. My economical life is very good I have many farmers who are working in my gardens, in my agricultural grounds. |
Zipcode: Nill |
Phone No: Nill |
Cell Mobile Phone No: Nill |
Fax No: Nill |
Pager No: Nill |
Member has Yahoo messenger |
Member has AOL messenger |
Member has ICQ messenger |
Contact Sayed Zaki Faqerzai by email |