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faqir hussain JournalistID member

2 Member

 faqir hussain peshawar, Pakistan
political issues,current affairs,parliamentry reporting,+ religious part
iam peshawar based journalist worked wt local urdu daily mashriq for last 3year.i have also 7years experiance in this filed.i have Experiance about political issues,current RELIGIOUS PARTIES+CURRENT AFFAIRS affairs,parliamentry reporting.
Registered Since: 10/05/05 for 19 years and 331 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 64
Web Address:
Local Government ID code: 25000
Reference provided by: Musarrat Ullah Jan
Reference provided by: Asad jan
Languages: english
Age: 28
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: peshawar
Current Company Name:
Company Website:
Mailing Address: peshawar press club peshawar cantt nwfp(pakistan)
Qualifications: BA+ BECH TECH+DAE
Personal Interests: reading books+also writing articals
Previous Employment:
Personal History: tell later
Zipcode: 25000
Phone No:
Cell Mobile Phone No:
Fax No:
Pager No: nil

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