zouheir Alnajjar |
gaza strip, Palestinian |
FreeLancer Journalist |
english - arabic and few french |
Registered Since: 04/12/07 for 17 years and 122 days |
Journalist ID Member Number: 568 |
Web Address: http://journalistid.com/?id=568&name=zouheir_alnajjar |
Local Government ID code: |
Languages: english other |
Age: 31 |
Sex: male |
Focus Location Markets: israel, palestine |
Current Company Name: |
Mailing Address: journalist.pal@dk.com |
Qualifications: journalism and public relations |
Personal Interests: |
Previous Employment: journalistic fixer, Producer, freelancer Journalist |
Personal History: |
Zipcode: 00972 |
Phone No: |
Cell Mobile Phone No: +972599599522 |
Fax No: |
Member has MSN messenger |
Member has Yahoo messenger |
Member has Skype Telephony |
Contact zouheir Alnajjar by email |