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Purandar Ghimire JournalistID member


 Purandar Ghimire Indiana, United States
Nepali Cause
I started my journalism career at the age of 17. Graduate of University of Maryland, USA. Servrd as Washington Corrospondent for Kantipur and Kathmandu post dailies in 1993. Chariman of Nepal's News agency RSS and publisher and chairman of Gorkhapatra, a government run publishing house in Nepal.
Registered Since: 04/07/06 for 18 years and 275 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 254
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Languages: english
Age: 43
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: South Asian Issues
Current Company Name: Nepali Cause
Company Website:
Mailing Address: Indiana USA
Qualifications: Graduate in Journalism and Public Relations
Personal Interests: Raising awareness about South Asia in USA
Previous Employment:
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Zipcode: 46256
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