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Mudassar Shah JournalistID member

19 Member

 Mudassar Shah Islamabad/Kabul, Pakistan
Tribal Areas, Afghanistan,educ,Culture, social, gender,AIDS, Envoir, Pol
Mudassar is audio, video & print journalist. He is a writer and researcher. He works with people from different communities,culture,creed and countries.He always enjoys working in a challenging environment. He works in Afghanistan, waziristan and tribal areas and free lance Radio reporter with intl
Registered Since: 23/06/06 for 18 years and 286 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 249
Web Address:
Local Government ID code:
Languages: english other
Age: 39
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: Afghanistan,tribal areas, pak afghan relations, Gender issue
Current Company Name:
Company Website:
Mailing Address:
Qualifications: M.A English,Urdu,Political Science,Mass Communicationand Internation Relations
Personal Interests: Learning and quick improvment
Previous Employment: Programme Manger and Communication Officer, free lance journalist
Personal History: born and bread in tribal areas, educated in city espicially islamabad and get skilled in diffrent areas
Zipcode: 44000
Phone No:
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Fax No:
Member has AOL messenger
Member has Skype Telephony

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