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ronita torcato JournalistID member


 ronita torcato mumbai, India
education, film, arts & culture, F&B, travel, spirituality
I have a Master's degree in EngLit from Bombay University and post-grad diplomas in Journalism and PR. Currently, freelancing for Free Press Journal,FnBNews, The Examiner Catholic Weekly,Deccan Herald, Goa Herald, Jaunt travel mag, The Hindu & The Hindu Business Line
Registered Since: 28/02/06 for 19 years and 36 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 178
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Languages: english other
Age: 50
Sex: female
Focus Location Markets: maharastra goa states in india
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Qualifications: M.A, Univ of Mumbai
Personal Interests: books, music, member ,Executive Commitee,P.E.N. all- India Centre & Mumbai Initiative for Human Rights Education; Life member, Bombay Natural History Association & Bombay Local History Association
Previous Employment: have worked for 25 years as a staffer (reporter&columnist) and freelance journalist
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Cell Mobile Phone No: 91-22-9892459703
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