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Abu Muslim Shirzad JournalistID member


 Abu Muslim Shirzad Kabul, Afghanistan
Political Presenter
I have two diplomas from management and DEL & work two year with Afghanistan most popular TV channel TOLO and TOLOnews as a host of two challenging shows.and I also written topics on political issues of Afghanistan.the main goal next step of my life is to work with most popular international media
Registered Since: 19/04/12 for 12 years and 349 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 1388
Web Address:
Local Government ID code:
Languages: english
Age: 23
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: Afghanistan,Middle East,Central Asia
Current Company Name: TOLOnews
Company Website:
Mailing Address:
Qualifications: Diploma on DEL,Management,Political Science in third year
Personal Interests: Reading political books,hours riding,playing chess
Previous Employment: ARZU TV (MAZAR I SHARIF)
Personal History: Being human
Zipcode: 24000
Phone No: 0093(0)786674844
Cell Mobile Phone No: 0093(0)796009282
Fax No:

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