Miguel Angel Garcia-Sanchez JournalistID member

19 Member

 Miguel Angel Garcia-Sanchez Aranjuez, Spain
Travel, history, art, architecture, documentary
Born in 1966 in Madrid, Spain. I was graduated as Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering,and MBA by the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Member of Ateneo Científico, Literario y Artístico de Madrid, International Press Association™, GNS Press Association and the Royal Photographic Society
Registered Since: 15/03/11 for 14 years and 20 days
Journalist ID Member Number: 1245
Web Address: http://journalistid.com/?id=1245&name=miguel_angel_garcia_sanchez
Local Government ID code: 06645
Languages: english spanish
Age: 44
Sex: male
Focus Location Markets: Spain
Current Company Name:
Company Website: www.magarcia.es
Mailing Address: Albaicin, 16
Qualifications: Journalist, MBA, History, Bachelor sci.computing, photographer
Personal Interests:
Previous Employment: Freelance photojournalist
Personal History:
Zipcode: 28300
Phone No: 0034668857008
Cell Mobile Phone No: 0034668857008
Fax No:

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